Disrupting Thinking: Why How We Read Matters is a book for the entire faculty. Supported with student conversations, classroom scenarios, practical strategies, and turn-and-talk moments, teachers and administrators will use this book as a guide for changing the way they think about teaching kids to become the thoughtful, skillful, attentive, responsive readers we want them to be, our democracy needs them to be. Kylene Beers and Bob Probst help us understand engagement, relevance, and talk along with day-to-day concerns of choice reading, incommon reading, and leveled reading. Kylene and Bob push our thinking in this book as they take on the challenge of changing how it is we read.
Key Features
Provides classsroom vignettes, techniques and strategies to showcase change for entire faculty;Reads like a workshop in a book. Every chapter ends with a Turn-and-Talk.Deepens our understanding of reading and defines three kinds of readers: responsive, responsible, and emphatic.