After surviving a car accident, and kidnapping, FBI Agent Samantha Reece is still reeling from the horrors of her captivity. While she was held, her kidnapper tortured and killed her maker, Ben, breaking their sire bond.
As Sam works diligently to uncover the identity of the psychopath who slaughtered the upper echelon of AWFA-and tormented Ben-she's devastated to discover the killer is someone far closer to home than she could have ever imagined.
Afraid for her loved ones, Sam accepts the FBI's offer to relocate her, and her boyfriend, Alex. Forced to move north to Detroit, Sam has to leave the friends-and family-she'd pieced together in Alabama.
Will moving keep her family and friends safe? Can she capture the monster who has fixated on her? So many questions will be answered-and so many more will arise-during Discovery.