Experienced by more than one billion people worldwide, disability is increasingly recognised as a human rights issue internationally. Completely up to date, Disability and Human Rights draws on cutting edge international research and real life examples to explore the global dimension of disability and to critically review progress on the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
This book provides readers with an in-depth exploration of disability across key areas of human rights, including health, education, employment, accessibility and independent living. It demonstrates how these issues are integral to achieving full and equal participation of disabled people in human societies across the life cycle. The book analyses the impact of poverty, the importance of support and the relevance of culture and it maps out how to make disability rights a reality in the coming decades. Chapters are enriched with a wide range of international case examples and questions for reflection to deepen readers' understanding of the material. Students and practitioners from a wide range of backgrounds, including disability studies, human rights, social work and social care will benefit from this much-needed new global perspective on disability.