Borderline Personality Disorder is a disorder that has been stigmatized for centuries.
Before people understood exactly what was occurring within the mind of the person with this issue, portrayals were created that were inaccurate, unkind, and simplifying the experience of the person who simply felt like their emotions ran their life. There are other mental health disorders where a person can feel this way as well; the experience of anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and certain eating disorders. It is hard enough to feel like your brain is full of exploding colors that paint themselves as emotions all over the canvas of your life, but not to comprehend where to paint the lines, is true suffering. You may have had people in your life who called you crazy, made suicide attempts, or have self-harmed for reasons beyond your own level of understanding. These experiences have only made the exploding colors feel more volatile.
But what if there existed a treatment that was directly focused on helping a person with this particular problem?
What if your issues were addressed rather than ignored, and specific skills were taught to you that appeared like a toolkit rather than temporary cover-ups?
Dialectical Behavior Therapy exists to show you that what you are feeling isn't a falsehood, but the occurrence of many mitigating factors that stretch past when you were even born.
DBT acknowledges the presence of genetic, environmental, neurological and parental influences that the development of borderline personality disorder and other mood and anxiety disorder may have at.
It realizes that it is the amalgamation of these aspects of self that make a person whole, and thus, contribute to what it means to suffer from a personality disorder. Many approaches of therapy seek to get rid of negative and unwanted feelings, but rarely seek to directly face these problems and teach the person how to cope with them.
DBT will do just that, and in the same instant, help you develop your own confidence in doing so.
DBT is a form of psychotherapy that extended from its parent therapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy.
While CBT sought to focus on the integration of emotions, behavior and thoughts, DBT does just the same, but in a very specific way for those of whom have always had difficulty expressing what they are feeling inside their mind.
DBT skills focus on mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and the development interpersonal skills. This book is going to focus on all aspects of this treatment, as well as introduce several other beneficial tools previously cultivated by CBT.