* Full version (includes 5 audio transcripts)
* Manual-only version also available:
https: //kdp.amazon.com/amazon-dp-action/us/dualbookshelf.marketplacelink/1482769883
Mike's complete notes on Deliverance & Healing.
Contents include:
1. Apostolic anointing and ministry
2. How demons enter and oppress people
3. Curses and how to deal with them
4. Breaking bondages
5. Casting out spirits
6. Healing the wounded heart
7. Ungodly beliefs
8. Ministering to people
9. House cleansing
Audio Transcripts:
Apostolic Anointing and Ministry (1 of 5)
The apostolic anointing is a commissioning, sending, empowerment to impact lives for the kingdom of God. Jesus first sent 12, then 70, and finally all believers. We're all sent by God, we all have a sphere of influence, and god wants us to be used in this ministry - not only of sharing the gospel, but of healing the sick, and delivering people from evil spirits.
Supplementary Videos:
https: //vimeo.com/channels/deliveranceandhealing
http: //vimeo.com/51096741
http: //vimeo.com/53942355
http: //vimeo.com/51202605
http: //vimeo.com/51278326
http: //vimeo.com/53997068