Conceived in violence and strife, the greatest nation to ever develop in human history was born July 4, 1776. The United States of America was a bastion of individual freedom, enclosed in the framework of a constitutional republic.
It endured for more than a century through trials and errors, but then the enemies of liberty began to chip away at the grand edifice of the republic. Progressive, left-leaning liberalism started to rear its ugly head and make demands. Many of these were held in check, but some slipped through to plant the seeds of dissent in the fabric of the nation. Those seeds took root in the 1960s and have borne rotten fruit ever since.
This is a guide for the modern constitutional conservative with common sense. It explains what has gone wrong in the republic and why. It also offers encouragement to those who would take back the mantle of 1776 and reshape the political landscape.
The Declaration of Independence tells us that whenever any government becomes destructive that it is the right of the people to abolish it and start anew.