"Deadman is a book predicated on
the celebration of desolate beauty
and the fragility of its adherents.
Every line is as a sumi-e painting-
rich with compact images the
way deliberate poetry should be.
Ultimately, with his craft, Bill
Sheldon seems to be a careful,
erudite machinist and the nuts,
bolts, and washers he churns out
serve to fasten intimate personifi-
cation upon the lonesome air
surrounding the Deadman. In his
book, Sheldon's comradery with the
kenning turns isolation into a living
breathing entity with which to converse
and conspire. This is a powerfully relevant
commentary in Kansas and its literature."
-Matt Cooper, Poet and author of We 'til Death
Do Part (2021).
"Not only a fine (and funny) book of poems, but
a 'rise from the grave' tale about being, fame,
and all that can be found holy through rock
music. The last time I had this much fun
reading poetry was William Trowbridge's
Old Guy: Superhero. As with that, this
new book by William Sheldon
never disappoints. Spend an
hour. Rethink your life.
Then go live it. And
with added zest."
-Kevin Rabas,
Poet Laureate
of Kansas,
Elizabeth's City
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