My name is Ethan, and I'm a liar.
I can't help it, and I don't even realize I'm doing it. I lie to everyone I meet, and for most of my life, I didn't know how to stop. Cut off from those around me, I found myself at the door of Dr. Wright, agreeing to a radical treatment. I left my home of Boston behind to tour the world, and, given a plane ticket and a course of experimental medication, I hoped to change my life forever.
But when, mid-treatment and a thousand miles from home, I was accused of murder, how could I, the embassy, or even my closest friends defend me? After all, I couldn't remember where I was the night the murder happened - all I knew for sure is I was with the victim just before she died.With my freedom and sanity at stake, the truth seemed to be further from my grasp than ever. But then, if I wanted to keep my freedom, perhaps lies were all I can depend on.