Wicked and Wonderful Celtic Folklore ........... Daniel Pietersen
Johnny Mains, ed., Celtic Weird: Tales of Wicked Folklore and Dark Mythology.
An Essential Index ........... Tony Fonseca
S. T. Joshi, The Horror Fiction Index: An Index to Single-Author Horror Collections, 1808-2010.
Howard Days 2023 ........... Bobby Derie
Classics from a Contemporary ........... The joey Zone
Allen Koszowski, Dreams from The Dark Side.
Ramsey's Rant: Gidget Goes Yog-Sothoth ........... Ramsey Campbell
Dark Nights of the Soul: Part I ........... Michael D. Miller
Matt Cardin, Journals, Volume 1: 1993-2001.
An Introduction to the Horror Films of Paul Wendkos ........... Clark Tucker
An All-Consuming Thing: An Interview with Curtis M. Lawson ........... David Peak
Arrangements in Adamantine ........... The joey Zone
Sax Rohmer, The Whispering Mummy and Others.
The Literary Adolescence of a Grandmaster ........... Darrell Schweitzer
Ray Bradbury, The Earliest Bradbury, ed. David Ritter and Daniel Ritter.
Deterritorializing a Genre toward the Infinite ........... G za A. G. Reilly
Michael Cisco, Weird Fiction: A Genre Study.
Audible Nightmares: Thomas Ligotti's Penguin Classic Becomes an Audiobook ........... Oliver Sheppard
Thomas Ligotti, Songs of a Dead Dreamer and Grimscribe, narr. Jon Padgett and Linda Jones.
Nightmares Inspired by an Uncertain Future ........... Greg Gbur
John WM Thompson, ed., Mooncalves: Strange Stories.
The Cabinet of Dr. del Toro ........... Michael D. Miller
Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities.
Something of a Living Order ........... David Peak
Thomas Ligotti, Pictures of Apocalypse.
John William Polidori's The Vampyre ........... S. T. Joshi