When his wife was murdered during a mission, Alex Cave quit the CIA for a less stressful life as a geology instructor. "Let someone else save the world from the bad people." At least, that was his plan.
While on vacation sailing the waters of the Puget Sound, he sees a brilliant flash of light from an oil tanker and changes course to help. He discovers there was no explosion, no one on board, and 80,000 tons of crude oil has mysteriously vanished without a trace! His only clue is a dollar size crystal found in the empty hold of the tanker.
The Director of National Security, Martin Donner, is his friend, and asks him to help the Coast Guard in solving what starts out as a small problem of stolen crude oil. Initial thoughts are of a major oil leak, but none is found. When the bodies of the crew are found frozen to death on a mountaintop 150 miles away, Alex realizes there is more going on than just stealing oil.
The Reverend Menno Simons, an environmental fanatic, leads his followers on a crusade to rid the world of crude oil. His disciples carry innocuous vials of powdered crystal to oil-rich countries to contaminate their supplies.
Meanwhile, people in the northwestern states are trying to survive, which has now become the one rule. The AOS, Army of Survival, initially recruits people who wish to learn the skill of survival. Now that skill is becoming a fact of life, and the army starts keeping people against their wills, and training them to become soldiers. John Everex, the new leader, is a man on a mission. He rules without compassion and kills without mercy.
Harold Woolley is a meek man, with a demanding wife and two teen age children. He becomes caught up in the struggle to survive, and mistakenly ends up at the AOS camp. When his lack of courage threatens his family, he tries to become the brave man needed to get them out of their desperate situation, but after being a coward his entire life, he doesn't think he can change.
Things go from bad to worse as more tankers are attacked and their crews killed. The few witnesses all claim to see a bright light and a rainbow effect surrounding the tankers, but how did it happen? The Alaska pipeline and west coast refineries are suddenly empty! Civilization descends into chaos when the lack of fuel keeps basic necessities from reaching the inner cities, pitting human against human in a desperate attempt to survive the madness spreading across the planet. Alex's only clue is the crystal, which under a high-powered microscope, appears to be alive.
A fantastic ride, with thrilling scenarios, exhilarating situations, and nail-biting suspense, by this bestselling and award-winning author. How does he find a way to stop Menno and his followers before civilization reaches total collapse?
Find out by grabbing your copy now!