Everyone thinks the old man of Villa Rosario is crazy, but Ricardo visits him every day, bringing him wine so he can listen to the old man's theories of how gravity bends time and how love bends everything.
The old man gets his theories from a magical talking Giant Fly that lives in his eye. The old man might be crazy, but his theories start making sense to Ricardo. And Ricardo needs something to make sense to him now. He moved to Panama to escape the US, but now he finds himself adrift in Paradise.
From Robert Rahula, the acclaimed writer of Panamaniac, comes a surreal story of one day in the life of expatriate Ricardo, as he bounces from bars to brothels to bathhouses and experiences his entire life in a single day, a day where nothing―and everything―all happen at once, from a magical talking Giant Fly to lectures on gravity and love from the old man of the village.