Ruby Pruett's story is, in part, a historical look back in time. It is a story of her Mother's love and a childhood that faced many hardships. As an adult, her story is about never giving up but rather overcoming adversity through her industry and hard work, striving always to improve herself. It is the story of a woman of integrity, hard work, service to others, dedication to family and adherence to Christian values. A story cherished by a loving family, friends, and co-workers, the story of a life well lived
- Bob Ray, Crossville, TN
To truly know a person, one must know something of his/her life's journey. Ruby Pruett has lived a life full of hardships, adventures, and accomplishments. We are fortunate now to have the opportunity to read of that journey and learn of the experiences that molded her into a "woman full of charitable works and good deeds" (Acts 9:36). The influence and example she has been to my family has made everlasting changes in our lives.
- Beth Glasgow, Columbiana, AL
Winner of the Tennessee Treasure" award from the Tennessee Society Daughters of the American Revolution for the historical significance of her work.