This book is for the person who may fit one of the following categories and who could see one's investment grow by sharing it with someone else. Are you one of these persons?
The Student, learning only about natural evolution without question, hearing only one point of view in grade school, then later in university.
The Spiritual Believer, who may question one's personal belief but needs more information about those beliefs.
The Non-Spiritual Person can be interested, someone who considers only natural events.
The Religious Person may be someone who wants to believe the Genesis story but needs a way to prove it.
The Liberal Minded Person believing the Gap, Deep Time, or other theories, thinking you can combine the idea of evolution with the creation principle, two opposites
The Compromising Person who may believe there is no conflict between creation and evolution.
The Accepting Person may be convinced that evolution is a fact only because many scientists claim it to be so.
The Uninformed Person is someone who may need to know the source of the Evolution Theories and the reasoning behind them.
In conclusion; this story is dedicated to the person with a brave questioning mind; a person who searches for the truth; a person who loves the truth; a person who chooses to apply and benefit from the truth.