When Jay J. Monroe visits his great-great-grandfather's grave at the Hollywood Cemetery in the dead of night, the last thing he expects is coming face to face with a mysterious woman not afraid to shield him from flying bullets.
He is a man of honor and valor. He is the youngest President of the United States of America ever elected for the office. But along with the victories, the Presidency comes with perils he was not ready for, and his wife paid the price for it while saving his life during one of the assassination attempts.
Now wiser, J.J. is forced to face a conspiracy he is not prepared for. And a woman he is not ready to love. Especially when the mysterious Luna Alistair turns out to be the reality-defying mind reading assassin sent after him.
Will she save his life again? Or will she go through with orders from her superiors that will put an end to their love, and his life?