Inside the original 1910 version of this sumptuous binding laid one of the oldest and most effortlessly romantic stories ever written. The gilt and crushed blue levant morocco binding by mile-Philippe Mercier contained Jacques Amyot's French translation of the romantic tale Daphnis and Chloe. The original story was composed by the second-century Greek author Longus, a little-known writer assumed to have been a freedman of a Roman family.
Format: MiniSize: Width: 90mm (31/2") x Height: 140mm (51/2") x Depth: 12mm (1/2")Interior: LinedSpace between lines: 6.60mmLines Per Page: 19Page Count: 208PagesClosure: Elastic BandColour: GreenGSM (paper weight): 80Binding Type: Smyth SewnCover: SoftcoverEdge Printing: NoPouch Type: Back Cover PouchInterior Paper: SmoothRibbon Markers: 1Decorative printed cover paperFSC-certified text paperThreaded stitching and glue, as neededCloth headbandsAcid-free sustainable forest paperFlexible cover and spine