-Emily Hitchcock, CEO of Boyle and Dalton publishing house
I invite you to revel in the gift of this collection, as I have. It carries the reader forward as by a flowing stream and though there is a temptation to gulp, do not. Go slowly. This volume of love should be sipped and savored, allowing each morsel to roll on the tongue of your consciousness for a bit and be still. Wait. Then, as if gently led, move forward. Feel that river swell between the solid banks of familiar life and love to its destination, a Quaker's ode to an ever-present and eternal Heaven, reflected in these evocative poems. They touch a secret place of longing, intimacy and joy within, even as they reflect that most essential aspect of our humanity, love.
-Don Badgley, author of What Is Not a Miracle
After the expansiveness of his recent The Road to Continental Heart, which sweeps the breadth of the nation, Steven Davison's new book of poetry, Dancing with the Moon, explores the intimacy of companions he has loved through a long life. From the dedication page to the final poem-"What is Heaven?"-his words seem to dance cheek-to-cheek across the page.
-Greg Barnes, author of Jane among Friends (2017)
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