A lawyer from Quebec City treks the Tasmanian wilderness in search of clues into the mysterious death of a powerful Hobart attorney, whose body was found at the bottom of a tailings dam owned by a large mining operation.
A Russian investigator comes to a dead end, prompting a chain of events to develop into multiple scenarios whose disparate outcomes all arrive at the same place. But things aren't always as they seem.
While shadow men operate behind the scene, a Chinese businessman's activities dangerously flirt with high-level criminality. Somehow, he remains untouchable.
Meanwhile, the future of the planet balances on a couple's ability to retrace lost memories, as well as create a few new ones.
A woman from the future finds what she's looking for in thirteenth century England. But does changing the past affect the world she must eventually return to? The answer is yes and no.
An ancient cell is up to no good with the fate of the natural world, while a university avant-garde troupe gets the blame for dead bodies playing musical chairs.
Throughout is all, a resourceful global conglomerate uses all it has to prevent the worst, as the midnight clock keeps on ticking ever nearer the final bell.