Mark Linley is a master teacher and curriculum developer with over 20 years of teaching experience in the primary grades.
This anthology contains:
* 15 Booklets
* 15 Lesson Plans
* 15 two-page Independent Practice Worksheets
Each CVC Storybook features:
* Consonant-Vowel-Consonant (CVC) words only
* One word per page
* CVC words with two featured medial vowels; varying initial and final consonants
The CVC Storybooks series is intended to be used by teachers in primary classrooms. SET 3 is the third anthology in the series.
ABOUT THE STORIES. These are simple slice-of-life stories, vignettes really, snapshots that children can easily relate to - about shopping with mom, playing at the beach, family camping, a day at school, sports, swimming, children's games, caring for a pet dog, being sick, rainy days, going to the fair, friends coming over to play. They are scenes of daily life that convey a mood or impression, or present a single event and just that. These are also stories of the imagination, about digging up dinosaur bones, deep sea diving, flying on a magic carpet, meeting a mermaid, and more.
Mark Linley created CVC Storybooks to help teachers teach consonant-vowel-consonant decoding, blending, segmenting, and word recognition. They are suited for pre-k, kindergarten, the initial months of first grade, and for struggling readers at any grade level.