Cures for Ailing Organizations is a first aid manual that guides nonprofits and social enterprises out of common difficulties that hinder their work. Until now, organizations working to help our world have been left to struggle on their own and when they disband, as many do, few tears are shed. In fact, nonprofits and social enterprises seem to be expected to struggle, as if it's a necessary backdrop to their work.
Cures for Ailing Organizations offers a new expectation that struggle is not acceptable and that anyone can help a great organization regain its strength and vitality.
Like any living organism, organizations rely on interdependent systems-people, purpose, policies, communication. When one of these systems breaks down, the entire organization is in jeopardy.
Author Sue Knaup taps her more than 40 years working with nonprofits and coaching leaders out of crises to present remedies to predicaments that often prove fatal to organizations. Pulling from her emergency medical training, she outlines easy-to-remember steps to identify danger signs and eliminate threats so that organizations can return to their important work and regain their health.
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