The institution of marriage between a man and a woman has been in existence since the beginning of time. However, man is still struggling to find the peace and security that this relationship is supposed to offer. Many books have been written, numerous seminars and conferences held, research done, but there is still no durable solution or answer to this often-asked question 'What is the recipe for a blissful marriage? Although many suggestions and advice have offered, they have not stemmed or stop rate of divorce to increase as time goes by. So, an intensive research in this phenomenon has taken me back to the first human creation, their Creator, the institution of marriage, and its originator. I discovered that the human creation actually started with a man and a woman (Adam and Eve/ Hawaah) and their relationship of being together was based upon being married, and they were given rules, regulations, and divine legislate guidance by the Creator of the Institution of how to achieve a peacefully marriage life for themselves and their off springs.
Throughout the ages many billions of people have followed these regulations and guidance in which the lawful reproductions of the human race have been insured.
However, as time elapses and man went astray from the divine guidance, the Creator and originator of this institution has repeatedly sent Prophet and Messengers to mankind with the rule and regulations that will guarantee a blissful, happy, and durable marriage life. But repeatedly man has chosen their solutions while ignoring the divine advice and solutions that can and will rectify disagreements between the wife and the husband and the extended family.
Having said that, my book is therefore an advice and a recipe to the people of all races and colour, religion, of how a blissful marriage can be achieved drawn from the divine text and evidences of the One Who created this institution in the first place. So whether you are married or single, but hoping to get married, it would of great benefit to own a copy of this book to be studied and use as a point of reference in order to avoid the pitfalls of disunity, disagreement, separation and divorce between the husband and the wife.