Why stress out when you could take it easy? Here's another great of Easy Breezy Crossword Puzzles to pass the time.
-This book, Presents Crossword Puzzles. Both the puzzle clues and puzzle grids are enlarged for ease of reading and writing, and each puzzle set is on facing pages unique collection of puzzles.
/The puzzles get progressively more challenging as you proceed through the book. The more time you spend solving a puzzle, the more you are sure to appreciate the large-print format. //Crossword Puzzle Books is a classic puzzle that continues to be one of the most popular puzzle types. Fun, fresh vocabulary and challenging clues ///Everybody loves easy crosswords and solving is even easier now with this new big, It's smart. It's stylish. It's fun And with its unique design ////Exercise your brain test your knowledge on a broad range of subjects and give your brain some exercise, Hours of fun and entertainment to enjoy