For experienced users in the basics of Creo Parametric 7.0, the Creo Parametric 7:0: Advanced Part Design learning guide enables you to become more productive by extending your modeling abilities with advanced functionality and techniques. This extensive hands-on learning guide contains numerous labs and practices to give you practical experience that will improve your job performance.
Topics Covered
Advanced datum features
Advanced bends
Sweeps with variable sections and helical sweeps
Rotational and swept blends
Designing with rounds
Advanced round functionality
Basic surface design
Part family tables
User-defined features (UDFs)
Data sharing
Multibody master model technique
View Manager
Automation (appendix)
Access to the Creo Parametric 7.0 software. The practices and files included with this guide might not be compatible with prior versions. Practice files included with this guide are compatible with the commercial version of the software, but not the student edition.
Completing the Creo Parametric 7.0: Introduction to Solid Modeling learning guide, or the equivalent Creo Parametric experience.