For Karmell Boston, Yahtia Beeks and her family were the only people to ever show her love. The two girls quickly become sisters and go through life together. After a serious of traumatic experiences Karmell decides enough is enough. Creeping Karma is the best karma, because its unexpected, from her parents to the neighborhood kids, and all that harmed her, no one was being spared. Karmell and Yahtia had a major glow up session right before going to Grady University, where they reign as the smartest, baddest bitches
to grace the campus. Joy White quickly falls into their ranks after they discovered she too was being bullied. The trio come up with KARMA'S HIT LIST and decided to be bitches in a skirt displaying brutal payback. KARMELL EMERGERS into Karma and becomes that BITCH. Join the girls as they deal with the demons from their pasts, the men of their future,
and the problems of a college student. Revenge, reap what you sow, Karma, no matter how you slice it you can only eat it one way.
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