Are you one of those who want to fix and improve your credit score?
Look no further because this book got you covered!
Remember that your credit score is your lifeline to financial freedom. So, keep it high is extremely important!
In this comprehensive and detailed guide, you will learn what credit is, what's in your credit score, various agencies accountable for safeguarding your rights as a consumer, and ways to enhance your credit score.
Millions of people around the world see their plans shattered every day because they cannot access the loan that could put a roof over their heads, for them and their family.
Your credit score is a key aspect of your financial history, it is the value that is used by lenders to assess your situation and decide whether or not you are eligible for a loan. Your score is decided by the Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO).
Here's a quick peek of what you will find inside this book:
What is the credit score?What is in a credit report? Loophole to raise your creditThe right way to check your credit report Financial freedom The five best ways to pay off debts
...And much more!
So, what are you waiting for?