ILLUMINATION BOOK AWARDS, 2018 Silver Medal Winner -- Christian Living
John Armstrong knows from personal experience how easy it is to put too much emphasis on correct teaching in our experience of church--and how easily we lose sight of the love on which Christ built his church when we do so. In Costly Love, Armstrong acknowledges the importance of doctrine and theological discussion in the church, but he urges Christians to focus first on whether we are following Jesus' new commandment: to love as he loved. Our actions of love will begin to bring us closer to unity with one another and with God. "Good books make you think, great books provoke you to change. John Armstrong has given us a great book that has the potential to transform churches and leaders. Costly Love presents a vision of life that is biblically faithful and consistently congruent with reality. This is as timely a work on this subject as any I have read. This is surely a book we all need for our divided times."