Verano de 1972, Julio Cort?zar recibe en Saignon, las pruebas de galera del Libro de Manuel y decide corregirlas lejos de su casa. Durante unos d?as abandona la ciudad francesa y a bordo de Fafner, su querida camioneta Volkswagen, recorre la Provenza con la ?nica compa??a de unas latas de conserva, vino tinto y una m?quina de escribir. El resultado de esta traves?a singular es esta breve obra maestra, donde la meta m?s significativa no ser? el libro corregido, sino las reflexiones laterales, el taller secreto que lo sustentaba, el modo de vida que permite una vida excepcional.
Summer 1972. In Saignon, France, Julio Cort?zar receives the galley proofs of Libro de Manuel and decides to correct them away from home. For several days he abandons Saignon and in "Fafner," his beloved Volkswagen van, he tours Provence in the exclusive company of a few tins of food, some red wine, and a typewriter. The result of this singular journey is a brief masterpiece in which the most significant focus is not the book that was to be corrected but rather the parallel reflections, the secret workshop that support it, the way of life that permitted an exceptional existence.