This book is for you if (1) you have kids and (2) your kids have interests. Especially if some of those interests don't interest YOU.
Roya Dedeaux is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with degrees in Counseling and Recreation and Leisure Studies. She has spent the bulk of her academic and professional career learning how recreation, play, leisure, hobbies, interests, and passions impact-and are impacted by-mental health. She wrote this book because the vast majority of clients she sees have some damaging self-talk about how they, or their children, spend their leisure time. She has found these thoughts directly impact their sense of self and that of their children.
Roya clearly explains why one of the best things you can do for the mental and emotional health of your children is to actively honor their interests! She walks you through many of the emotional and logistical barriers that can get in the way, and uses playful yet profound exercises throughout the book. You'll also explore what happens when things go wrong and what it can look like when things go right.
By the end of Connect with Courage, you'll understand why wholeheartedly supporting your children's pursuit of their interests and passions is so important and you'll have some excellent tools to help you do just that. Even better, with Roya's encouragement, you will experience many sweet, funny, and playful moments of connection with your children along the way!