In the book-Confessions of Black Mothers Representing 16 States -the platform is designed to give voice to black women to document four major contributions to the building of the United States of America. Even though mistreated the same as common stock cattle or horses, during slavery, the black mothers superseded women from all ethnic groups(author's opinion) in the United States. Her plights in the United States can be compared to the history of women in the Bible. First and foremost, during slavery, these black women provided a workforce, by giving birth to workers and being workers; Secondly -these black women had cooked and provided basic recipes for food traditions and food culture; thirdly, for generations during slavery, the black women suffered at the hands of their masters and mistresses but the black women showed survival by depending upon God and fourthly, after slavery without resources and no skills to read or write or other education skills, the black women were able to raise and provide for their families. Their children were able to rise up and get citizenship and prove to the world their humanity.
The confessions are written in the dialect or language spoken by the women born in slavery. However, they knew they were children of God. They prayed in their cabins, woods, gullies, groves, and brush arbors. They did not learn correct grammar nor how to read. Most of them could not read the Bible. Through the slave narratives, the mothers gave their truths and what had been happening on the plantations with black women in the United States for generations, since their arrival on slave ships.
While compiling the Confessions, the author realized that these same treatments could have been experienced by her great, grandmother from Louisiana and from Georgia. In other words, the grandmothers of her father and mother. Because "Black Mothers or Mamas" are very important to her children, a 'BONUS' is included a suggested favorite Old Fashioned Mother's Day Dessert in each chapter. The author has included inventions by blacks.
Dedicated to all mothers-II Thessaloninans2:18 In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in
Christ Jesus concerning you.