Confessions of a Christian Woman is the story of my slow, yet ever ongoing, process of falling in love with Jesus. I went from being a less than lukewarm Christian, trying to understand and fit into what seemed to be the expected norm in the Christian circles, to finding myself basking in the love of Jesus that He intends for us to know. I can truly say He did it all. He took every glimmer of faith I had and magnified it. He took every shred of hope I had and fulfilled it. He opened my eyes to Him. He changed my heart.
I want to encourage those whose faith is immature, whose time is limited, whose understanding is dim, that all He says is true. That those of us who come to him with nothing but empty hands and a heart full of questions will be tended to, with love, by Jesus himself. "An unflinchingly honest testimony of how God transformed"I finished reading your book.
Loved it. Wasn't quite what I expected but was so pleasantly endeared.
How you put feelings and experiences out there and the passages from
the Bible to bring you and all reading your book closer to God.
Thank you, Chris"