Set from 1954 to 1974, Condemned To Be Free follows a sailor's journey from adolescent rebellion to a turbulent but rewarding merchant marine career as he learns what it means to gain the beauties of freedom-to experience love, passion, honesty, and adventure.
Laurent Picard's mother wants him to maintain the family heritage by joining the French navy and becoming an admiral. However, he yearns for independence and a love he's never known. Laurent thinks he's found that with Am lie, his wife, who bears them three children and then betrays him. Then he meets the ravishingly beautiful Rit , a woman on a spiritual quest who enchants him through peaks of joy to the depths of despair.
From the bridges and decks of seagoing vessels to the coasts of Normandy, Brittany, and Provence, Laurent pursues his quest for freedom and love. But only at sea, through violent storms and over polished, pellucid waters when earth and sky blend into infinity, does he find solace for his stolid soul.