The oldest independent periodical in the field, COMPOSITION STUDIES publishes original articles relevant to rhetoric and composition, including those that address teaching college writing; theorizing rhetoric and composing; administering writing programs; and, among other topics, preparing the field's future teacher-scholars. All perspectives and topics of general interest to the profession are welcome. We also publish Course Designs, which contextualize, theorize, and reflect on the content and pedagogy of a course. Contributions to Composing With are invited by the editor, though queries are welcome. CONTENTS OF COMPOSITION STUDIES 51.2 (Fall 2023): Editorial Introduction: What Is Good Writing? AT A GLANCE: Ameliorating Violence in Composition: A Need for Vigilance by Scott Gage and Kristie S. Fleckenstein ARTICLES: Meaningful Writing Projects Among Multilingual Undergraduate by Writers: Personal, Practical and Developmental by Qianqian Zhang-Wu, Alison Stephens, and Neal Lerner Building Bridges and Changing the Story: Recognizing Funds of Knowledge in Summer Bridge Programs by Maria Conti Maravillas Writing About Writing: A Snapshot in Time by Cynthia A. Cochran, Rebecca Day Babcock, and Aliethia Dean Building Our Ideals into Program Structures: Democratic Design in Program Administration by Brad Jacobson and Rachael W. Shah COURSE DESIGNS: BTW 250: Principles of Business Communication by A. Kay Emmert, Andrew Moss, David Morris, and Andrew Bowman English 5519 & 700: Introduction to the Theories and Practices of Composition Teaching by Antonio Byrd and Virginia M. Schwarz WHERE WE ARE: Ungrading: Where We Are and Where We Might Go by Ellen C. Carillo Defining Ungrading: Alternative Writing Assessment as Jeremiad by Megan Von Bergen Ungrading: Self-Assessment, Effort, and Motivation by Hannah T. Davis We're All Still Grading: A Call for Honesty in Writing Assessment Discourse by Maggie Fernandes, Emily Brier, and Megan McIntyre BOOK REVIEWS: Approaches to Lifespan Writing Research: Generating an Actionable Coherence, edited by Ryan J. Dippre and Talinn Phillips, Reviewed by Nasih Alam Multilingual Contributions to Writing Research: Toward an Equal Academic Exchange, edited by Natalia vila Reyes, Reviewed by Gregg Fields Teaching through the Archives: Text, Collaboration, and Activism, edited by Tarez Samra Graban and Wendy Hayden, Reviewed by C.C. Hendricks Creating a Transnational Space in the First Year Writing Classroom, edited by William. Ordeman, Reviewed by Donald Joseph Desegregation State: College Writing Programs after the Civil Rights Movement, by Annie S. Mendenhall, Reviewed by Jessica Edens McCrary Languaging Myths and Realities: Journeys of Chinese International Students, by Qianqian Zhang-Wu, Reviewed by Shreya Sangai Grounded Literacies in a Transnational WAC/WID Ecology: A Korean-U.S. Study, by Jay Jordan, Reviewed by Eunhee Seo Stories of Becoming: Demystifying the Professoriate for Graduate Students in Composition and Rhetoric, by Claire Lutkewitte, Juliette C. Kitchens, and Molly J. Scanlon, Reviewed by Gabriella Wilson CONTRIBUTORS 2022 REVIEWERS
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