You've read the bestselling book, The 5 Love Languages, by Gary Chapman. Now, it's time to put what you have discovered into action.
This workbook will help you strengthen your relationship through actively planning to speak your partner's love language and asking for what you need according to your own language.
You will start by brainstorming all the things that you could do for your partner and all the things you would like your partner to do for you.
Then you will create a plan for actually doing those things each month. You will reflect on the response and feedback you get from your efforts so that you can refine your approach.
Remember each language has many different dialects and what you try first may not be on target. Don't give up. Keep trying to speak the same language but in a different way.
For example, spending quality time could mean doing a project together or it could mean enjoying the planning but not the actual doing of a project together.
It could mean going out to dinner together or it could mean making a meal together. Only through experimentation will you figure out what fills your partner's love tank.
Don't just read the book - do the work. Knowledge isn't enough to build a great relationship.
The Kindle version comes with a PDF download version as well.
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