For the past 55 years, the International Communication Association (ICA) has provided a venue for scholars and researchers to share ideas and findings in all aspects of the field of communication through its expanding publications program and its annual conference. The Association also works to increase visibility for communication scholarship and to foster research internationally.
Communication Yearbook 29 centers on the theme of Communication and the Future. Authors in this volume address the future as they review 12 diverse areas of communication research. There have been many changes in the world, and this volume addresses questions such as: Has the discipline of communication kept up with change? Have we adapted to new technology and moved forward in our thinking? What do we as a discipline have to say about the future? Are there new areas in which we should be making a contribution? And are there new ways of looking at long-standing lines of communication research? The focus of this volume is on what we can do as communication scholars to make a difference in everyday life and in the future. Communication Yearbook 29 is an important reference for scholars and graduate students across the field of communication.