1 Introduction - Peter Scholten, Maurice Crul and Paul van de Laar.- PART I: SUPERDIVERSITY IN ROTTERDAM: 2 Rotterdam's superdiversity from a historical perspective (1600-1980) - Paul van de Laar and Arie van der Schoor.- 3 The second and third generation in Rotterdam: increasing diversity within diversity - Maurice Crul, Frans Lelie and Elif Keskiner.- 4 Between choice and stigma: Identifications of economically successful migrants - Marianne van Bochove and Jack Burgers.- PART II: ROTTERDAM'S RESPONSE TO SUPERDIVERSITY: 6 'Walking the walk' rather than 'talking the talk' of superdiversity: Continuity and change in the development of Rotterdam's immigrant integration policies - Rianne Dekker & Ilona van Breugel.- 7 Laboratory Rotterdam. Logics of exceptionalism in the governing of urban populations - Friso van Houdt & Willem Schinkel.- 8 Rotterdam as a case of complexity reduction: Migration from Central and Eastern European countries - Erik Snel, Mark van Ostaijen & Margrietha 't Hart..- PART III: ROTTERDAM IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE: 9.A tale of two cities: Rotterdam, Amsterdam and their immigrants - Han Entzinger.- 10. The 'integration' of people of Dutch descent in superdiverse neighbourhoods - Maurice Crul and Frans Lelie.- 11. Superdiversity and city branding: Rotterdam in perspective - Warda Belabas and Jasper Eshuis.- 12. Conclusions: Coming to terms with superdiversity? - Maurice Crul, Peter Scholten and Paul van de Laar.- 13. Epilogue: What's the matter with Rotterdam? - Steve Vertovec.
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