Sera has grown up in a world colored by the brightest and most vibrant colors of love; but as she grows older those colors begin to fade, until one day Sera meets a boy whose world only has 3 colors What will Sera do to save the rainbow-shaded world that she loves so dearly? And can she help Joshua find joy in that same world?
Colors of Love: Sera's World was written and illustrated out of the desire to encourage children to hold onto the natural love and acceptance that they are born with. The hearts of children illuminate our world with a unique capacity to love. What would it be like if we were to nurture that ability and encourage them to hold on to those ideals of love, friendship, and acceptance as they grow older?
Within the fully illustrated and beautifully colored pages of Sera's World you will find a place where colors of love shine bright to create beauty that can be more than just seen, it can be felt.