Cole's Goals is a children's book about autism employment. Cole is an autistic adult who recently graduated high school. Cole has many goals and one of his biggest is to help others in his town. Unfortunately, he is unable to find a job, due to the stigma of autism. His little sister, Jenna finds this unacceptable, so she sets out to find Cole a job. Will she be able to convince the local shop owners to give Cole a job or will the myths of autism continue to stand in Cole's way?
Cole's Goals is a story of hope, love, perseverance, and the desire to help others. The author Jonathan Zemsky MS, OTR/L has worked with numerous autistic children in special education, and has seen so few achieve gainful employment, following graduation. This discrepancy inspired him to create this story. Quinn Patterson, the book's illustrator, is an autistic adult, and brings a level of relevance and freshness to the story through his original characters. Please join us on this journey to dispel the myths of autism and help us educate the next generation of inclusive and autism-aware children...for they are the future shop and business owners.