L. Clozel: Globally analytic p{adic representations of the pro{p Iwahori subgroup of GL(2) and base change, II: a Steinberg tensor product theorem.- N. Grbac: Eisenstein cohomology and automorphic L-functions.- G. Harder: Eisenstein Cohomology for SL2(Z[i]) and Special Values of L-functions.- K-W. Lan and B. Stroh: Nearby cycles of automorphic _etale sheaves, II.- J. Mahnkopf: On slope subspaces of cohomology of p-adic Verma modules.- A. Raghuram and M. Sarnobat: Cohomological representations and functorial transfer from classical groups.- M.D. Baker and A.W. Reid: Congruence link complements{a 3-dimensional Rademacher Conjecture.- R.A. Kucharczyk and P. Scholze: Topological realizations of absolute Galois groups.- T.N. Venkataramana: Arithmeticity of some monodromy groups.