Detailing these advanced developments, as well as the fundamental methods and tools of vibrational spectroscopy, Coherent Vibrational Dynamics providesresearchers and students with a uniquely comprehensive resource. With the contributions of pioneering scientists, this seminal volume -
- Outlines the principles and tools used on time-domain vibrational spectroscopy and provides a general introduction to the subject of coherent phonons
- Describes the modern methods for tunable ultrashort pulse generation from infrared to visible-UV
- Reviews coherent vibrational dynamics in small molecules in liquids (hydrogen bonds), and in carbon based conjugated materials (polyenes, carotenoids, and semiconducting polymers)
- Explores phonon dynamics in semiconductors (bulk and heterostructures) and in quasi-one-dimensional systems
Supplemented with a great number of references, and covering fundamental as well advanced topics, this text provides a valuable reference for both graduate students and senior researchers investigating materials in physics, chemistry, and biology. It is also an excellent starting point for those who want to pursue research in the field of ultrafast optics and spectroscopy.