"I loved those f*ckers. Even when I hated them." -Letty Dillinger
At the height of their career, Killer Buzz Float stormed the music world with a unique 1970s retro vibe. Founded in 2013 by raspy-voiced singer Letty, sexy bassist Shades, cocky lead guitarist Rax, creepy rhythm guitarist Toombs, and shy drummer Jinx, this powerhouse rock band out of Athens, Georgia blazed an indomitable trail of explosive sights and sounds along their meteoric rise to fame.
But things have changed in the eight years since their one and only Top 40 hit. After the band got its first taste of success, everything fell apart. Some of the members have moved on to bigger and better things, while others are scraping by. Reunion rumors surface from time to time, but fans say without Killer Buzz Float's electrifying lead singer, it just wouldn't be the same.
Letty Dillinger is dead. Long live Letty Dillinger.
Long live The Rock.
* CODA is the sixth and final book in the Hard Rock Harlots series, but it can be read as a standalone. Contains graphic language and sex. Adults only.