When you are working from home a percentage of your household bills are tax-deductible. Don't miss out on these because you don't have a tracking system.
The Cocktail Party Catering Service Home-based Business Planner was created to keep track of your business needs.
This book comes in a large size to ensure that you have plenty of space for all your trackings.
It's a must-have tool in the life of any entrepreneur that loves planning and organisation.
This book features:
Product & supplier sheet. Keep a list of your products. suppliers and their contacts for easy reference.Create your products and servicesYour financial goals and achievements.Register all of your business income and expenses. 12 undated months. Start your business at any time, just add the name of the month on the page divider.Blank dot grid pages to make notes, plan or just express your creativity.Choose from different covers by clicking on the author's name.