A riddle answered...
A mystery solved...
An enemy revealed...
Following the untimely death of his beloved friend Niri, Derith "Silver" Sylvarado realizes those around him need him to rise up and become the man destiny has called him to be. His one-time goal of finding the City of Stracht and uniting the Ladrian gains new focus: to rally their power in a direct confrontation against Uthak Tairyth and his tyrannical dictatorship. With Clarity, Searin and Que-Que by his side, he works to solve the last riddle Searin's magical map revealed to them, fostering relations with the Syl and the Sebor'it along the way.
As the pieces of the puzzle begin to fall into place, Silver learns there is more to Tairyth's atrocities than he originally assumed. He alone has the power to save his homeland, the Ladrian and the very continent of Sysanohf from enslavement and destruction. However, he must first defeat a being he never expected to be his enemy...