1. Measuring Size-Dependent Permeability of the Tight Junction Using PEG Profiling
Christina M. Van Itallie and James M. Anderson
2. Biochemical Analysis of Claudin Binding Compatibility
Christina Ward and Michael Koval
3. Electrophysiological Characterization of Claudin Ion Permeability Using Stably Transfected Epithelial Cell Lines
Alan S.L. Yu
4. The Tight Junction, Intercellular Seal as a Cell Signaling Player: Protocols for Examination of Its Status
Makoto Osanai
5. Interactions between Clostridium perfringens Enterotoxin and Claudins
Susan L. Robertson and Bruce A. McClane
6. Biophysical Methods to Probe Claudin Mediated Adhesion at the Cellular and Molecular Level
Sri Ram Krishna Vedula, Tong Seng Lim, Walter Hunziker, and Chwee Teck Lim
7. Detection of Tight Junction Barrier Function In Vivo by Biotin
Lei Ding, Yuguo Zhang, Rodney Tatum, and Yan-Hua Chen
8. The Co-Culture Method to Examine Interactions between Claudin Isoforms in Tight Junction-Free HEK293 Cells and Tight Junction-Bearing MDCK II Cells
Tetsuichiro Inai
9. Claudin 4: Functional Studies Beyond the Tight Junction
Holly A. Eckelhoefer, Thejani E. Rajapaksa, Jing Wang, Mary Stover-Hamer, Nancy C. Appleby, Jun Ling, and David D. Lo
10. Methods to Analyze Subcellular Localization and Intracellular Trafficking of Claudin 16
P. Jaya Kausalya and Walter Hunziker
11. Claudin Family Proteins in C. elegans
Jeffrey S.Simske and Jeff Hardin
12. In Vivo Imaging of Tight Junctions Using Claudin-EGFP Transgenic Medaka
Tatsuo Miyamoto, Mikio Furuse, and Makoto Furutani-Seiki
13. Claudins in a Primary Cultured Puffer Fish (Tetraodon nigroviridis) Gill Epithelium
Phuong Bui and Scott P. Kelly
14. Manipulating Claudin Expression in Avian Embryos
Michelle M. Collins and Aimee K. Ryan
15. Identification of Claudins by Western Blot and Immunofluorescence in Different Cell Lines and Tissues
Lorenza Gonz?lez-Mariscal, Erika Garay, and Miguel Quir?s
16. Expression and Function of Claudins in Hepatocytes
Takashi Kojima and Norimasa Sawada
17. Analysis of Changes in the Expression Pattern of Claudins Using Salivary Acinar Cells in Primary Culture
Junko Fujita-Yoshigaki
18. Development of Biological Tools to Study Claudins in the Male Reproductive Tract
Daniel G. Cyr, ?vemie Dub?, Julie Dufresne, and Mary Gregory
19. Using Molecular Tracers to Assess the Integrity of the Intestinal Epithelial Barrier In Vivo
Julian A. Guttman
20. Laboratory Methods in the Study of Endometrial Claudin-4
Paulo Serafini, Andr? Monteiro Rocha, Gary Daniel Smith, Eduardo Leme Alves da Motta, and Edmund Chada Baracat
21. Role of Claudins in Oxidant-Induced Alveolar Epithelial Barrier Dysfunction
Yu Sun, Richard D. Minshall, and Guochang Hu
22. Tracing the Endocytosis of Claudin-5 in Brain Endothelial Cells
Svetlana M. Stamatovic, Richard F. Keep, and Anuska V. Andjelkovic
23. Quantitative In Situ Analysis of Claudin Expression at the Blood-Retinal Barrier