In this comprehensive study guide, two leading experts help you master all the topics you need to know to succeed on the latest CISSP exam and advance your career in IT security. Their concise, focused approach explains every exam objective from a real-world perspective, helping you quickly identify weaknesses and retain everything you need to know.
Every feature of this book supports both efficient exam preparation and long-term mastery:
Opening Topics Lists identify the topics you need to learn in each chapter and list (ISC) 's official exam objectives Key Topic figures, tables, and lists call attention to the information that's most crucial for exam success Exam Preparation Tasks enable you to review key topics, complete memory tables, define key terms, work through scenarios, and answer review questions...going beyond mere facts to master the concepts that are crucial to passing the exam and enhancing your career Key Terms are listed in each chapter and defined in a complete glossary, explaining all the field's essential terminologyThis study guide helps you master all the topics on the latest CISSP exam, deepening your knowledge of:
Security and Risk Management Asset Security Security Architecture and Engineering Communication and Network Security Identity and Access Management (IAM) Security Assessment and Testing Security Operations Software Development Security