Makoto H ike, sixteen, is enraptured by the police chief's eldest: child prodigy Misao H ike is the clan's flagship for his exceptional academic and athletic record, and, if one asks Makoto, his striking beauty. If only he wasn't also eleven years old.
When Misao is sent to high school several years early, older kids from lesser families take his very existence as an attack on their own and make it his problem. But he's no safer at home, where a choleric patriarch has his own definition of "tough love". Longing for the freedom to live his authentic self, Misao is torn between defying his father and staying on the man's good side in order to protect his baby brother from the fall-out of their strife.
Makoto yearns to protect Misao from sinking further and further into darkness, where he may well implode from the pressure of his fate. Even if some of that pressure is in Makoto's own boxers.
Ciao, my pretty Misao is a coming-of-age story about two boys against the world and their own demons.