Moving to a new state, Claire is determined to improve her and her children's lives, never expecting to be rescued from a snowstorm by the most wonderful man in the world. How can she let him go?
Claire attempts to beat the biggest Colorado snowstorm in fifty years only for her car to end up in a ditch engulfed in snow, and no one to help her and her two children. When Gavin drives his snowmobile into a record snowstorm, he never expects to rescue a charming woman and her two lovable children. Christmas is around the corner, and they're stuck in his cabin. Living under the same roof and enjoying the Christmas season while the storm brews outside isn't difficult. They flow together like cool water in an oasis. Keeping their hearts safe while not falling in love is their challenge because, at the end of the week, Claire must leave and face the struggles in her life. She has no other choice.