Meet the AuthorShe is Renewed in Christ! Our journeys may be different but we all have a common denominator that God's love for us turns beauty from ashes. Behind every scar there is a story to tell. I am an example of a woman who has been through a lot, from trying to discover who I am in Christ, experiencing the wrong relationships, and giving too much love that was taken for granted, etc. But I am still standing and facing the future with a strict vision and mission to empower other women of God. As Christ has added such value to my life and provided me with a wealth of knowledge in my season of solitude, I have taken the opportunity to share my story, passions, revelations and breakthrough process that God has given me, with the world. I truly believe my story and my voice is meant to be heard to be a beacon of hope for others and I am committed to the process. As God took me from captivity to liberation, I want to equip other women with the mindset & wisdom God gave me so they can also no longer be the victim, feel powerless to their circumstances but to become an overcomer!