Are you in a serious relationship and want to know if that person is right for YOU? After all, choosing the right person to spend the rest of your life with is a major decision. Wouldn't it be great to know ahead of time if you're choosing right?
Many might go to psychics or astrologers to find out about the future, but the GOOD NEWS is you can get the answer you need straight from God... the One who sees the hearts of people, the One who knows YOUR FUTURE, and the One who knows what's right for YOU.
This book gives practical tips for seeking God and hearing His voice so you can make the right decision. The author uses examples from his own life... where he missed it, how he learned certain principles of prayer, and how he applied them to his own life (to produce a successful marriage of thirty-one years).
You will learn that anyone can find God's will for marriage.
What This Book is NOT
This is NOT a book on dating. This book is written to help you find out if the person you're in a relationship with is the right person for you to marry. The sooner you use this book, the better. After all, you don't want to waste your time dating someone who isn't a good long-term match for you, do you?
This is NOT a book about sexual morals. Though I could tell you why you should conduct your relationships in a chaste manner, your prior actions should not be used as an excuse why you can't get direction from God when choosing a marriage partner.
This is NOT a book about solving marriage problems. This book is intended for use prior to making the decision to marry someone. However, this book can help the reader learn how to "hear" God when faced with the difficult issues of life.
This is NOT a religious book. This isn't a book about religious "law", "rules" and "regulations". The author's approach comes from a perspective of relationship with God... one where the reader can actually approach the Creator of the Universe and obtain answers from Him regarding the future.
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