Section A: Historical Perspectives and Production
Chapter 1: Prehispanic Use of Cocoa
Patricia L. Crown
Chapter 2: History of the Medical Use of Chocolate
Donatella Lippi
Chapter 3: Cocoa and Its By-Products: Identification and Utilization
Emmanuel O.K. Oddoye, Christian K. Agyente-Badu, and Esther Gyedu-Akoto
Chapter 4: The Microbiology of Cocoa Fermentation
Dennis S. Nielsen, Michael Crafack, Lene Jespersen, and Mogens Jakobsen
Chapter 5: Fungi and Mycotoxin Occurrence in Cocoa
Marina Venturini Copetti, Beatriz Thie Iamanaka, and Marta Hiromi Taniwaki
Chapter 6: Non-nutritive Mineral Constituents in Chocolate and CocoaWilliam I. Manton
Chapter 7: Chocolate and Cocoa AromaJ?rgen Voigt
Section B: Composition of Chocolate Sources and Related Plant Components
Chapter 8: Composition of Cacao BeansAntonella Bertazzo, Stefano Comai, Francesca Mangiarini, and Su ChenChapter 9: Industrial and Home Processing of Cocoa Polyphenols
Rosa M. Lamuela-Raventos, Mar?a Izquierdo-Pulido, and Ram?n Estruch
Chapter 10: Methods in Chocolate Analysis: Use of Atomic Spectrometric Techniques
Denise Bohrer and Carine Viana Silva Ieggli
Chapter 11: Chocolate By-product Consumption by Wild and Domestic AnimalsBrett David Gartrell and Wendi Dianne Roe
Chapter 12: Chocolate Bars Based on Human Nutritional Requirements
Anthony A. Robson
Chapter 13: Comparing Sunflower Stearins with Cocoa ButterJoaqu?n J. Salas, Miguel A. Bootello, Enrique Mart?nez-Force, and Rafael Garc?s
Chapter 14: Low-Calorie Chocolates and Acceptability/Sensory PropertiesLauro Melo, Helena Maria Andr? Bolini, and Priscilla Efraim
Section C: Chocolate Metabolism and Activities in Culture
Chapter 15: Polyphenols in Cocoa: From In Vitro Digestion to In Vivo Bioavailability
N?dia Ortega Oliv? and Maria-Jos? Motilva Casado
Chapter 16: The Effect of Chocolate on Human and Gut Microbial Metabolic Interactions: Emphasis on Human Health and Nutritional Status
Fran?ois-Pierre J. Martin, Sebastiano Collino, Serge Rezzi, and Sunil Kochhar
Chapter 17: The Absorption, Metabolism, and Pharmacokinetics of Chocolate Polyphenols
Cesar A. Lau-Cam
Chapter 18: Biological Activity of Cacao Husk and Mass Lignin Carbohydrate Complexes
Hiroshi Sakagami and Tomohiko Matsuta
Section D: Disease-Related Clinical Studies
Chapter 19: Clinical Benefits of Cocoa: An Overview
Margarida Castell, Francisco J. P?rez-Cano, and Jean-Fran?ois Bisson
Chapter 20: Endothelial Control of Vascular Tone by Chocolate and Other Polyphenols
Cyril Auger, Noureddine Idris-Khodja, and Val?rie B. Schini-Kerth
Chapter 21: Chocolate Flavonoids in the Prevention of Arterial Disease
Catherine Christie and Nancy J. Correa-Matos
Chapter 22: Chocolate and Coronary Heart DiseaseImre Janszky and Kenneth J. Mukamal
Chapter 23: Dark Chocolate and (Pre-)HypertensionKarin Ried
Chapter 24: Polyphenol-rich Cocoa and Chocolate: Potential Role in the Prevention of Diabetes
Suzana Almoosawi and Emad Al-Dujaili
Chapter 25: Polyphenol-Rich Dark Chocolate in Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Risk Factors
Emad Al-Dujaili, Catherine Tsang, and Suzana Almoosawi
Chapter 26: Chocolate and Cancer Prevention?
Gertraud Maskarinec
Chapter 27: The Effects of Cocoa- and Chocolate-Related Products on Neurocognitive Functioning
W. David Crews, Jr., David W. Harrison, Kim P. Gregory, Bon Kim, and Allison B. Darling
Chapter 28: Flavonoid-Rich Chocolate and Cognitive Improvement
Eha Nurk
Chapter 29: Cocoa and Chocolate: Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Beneficial Brain Effects
Maria Patrizia Carrieri and Joe A. Vinson
Section E: Non-Disea
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