Chin Up - Chin Out - Soar
Hope for the Discouraged Job Hunter
This book is written for the thousands of job hunters who are down, but not out, and want to be happy and working again. Discouragement gunks up the gears of success. Yet it is part of the human experience. It takes practice and support keep your chin up. As a job hunter, you will experience Anger, Depression, and Panic at least once. Plan for it. This book is intended to encourage, support, and guide you through those feelings, while at the same time giving you pragmatic job search instruction. Your ideas are important, too. That's why this book is in workbook form. Take ownership over your job search by doing all the exercises, even if you don't feel like it. One small action each day can make a huge difference in your search.
The hardest part is getting rejected after you have mustered up the courage to ask for what you want. Plan for it. Try again. That's why this book is called Chin Up Chin Out Job Search. Get ready to learn how to job search, even if you've been knocked down a few times. Don't just read this book, interact with it, throw it up against the wall when you get mad, and then do the next thing on your plan