Cute Animals on Vacations
"Are you ready to go on an exciting adventure with Cute Animals in our City?
That's right, let's go And have fun with colors
Our guest animals are fun lovers and they are playing sports and enjoying the weather in our city
Who are in our City:
MonkeyRabbitDogCatHippopotamusGiraffePigDonkeyBearPandaMouseRaccoonHorseElephantBullKangarooLionDearCamelKoalaPenguinSquirrelWhat they are doing in our City:
Listening MusicPlaying with CatapultPlaying TennisSkateboardWalking in the ParkHoola HoopPlaying TrumpetPlaying BaseballPlaying BasketballEnjoying FishingBlowing BubblesRunningEnjoying rainRiding ScottyGardeningFlying KitePhotographyPlaying with BalloonsRiding a BikeRoller SkatingSkiingCatching Butterflies with netPlaying HockeyPlaying on the Beach